Setting Up the Script

Writing code using cvpl_tools requires some setup code that configures the dask library and other utilities we need for our image processing pipeline. Below briefly describes the setup.

Dask Cluster and temporary directory

cvpl_tools depends on dask library, where many functions of cvpl_tools takes dask array as input or output.

Dask is a multithreaded and distributed computing library, in which temporary results may not fit in memory. In such cases, they are written in the temporary directory set in the dask config’s temporary_directory variable. When working on HPC system on Compute Canada, make sure this path is set to a /scratch directory where number of file allowed to be created is large enough.

Dask Client setup is described in the Dask quickstart page. See this SO post to determine if you need to initialize a client or not. Below examples are modified from the simplest setup in the quickstart guide.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import dask
    import dask.config
    import dask.array as da
    from dask.distributed import Client

    with dask.config.set({'temporary_directory': TMP_PATH}):
        client = Client(threads_per_worker=6, n_workers=1)

        print((da.zeros((3, 3)) + 1).compute().sum().item())  # will output 9

The line if __name__ == '__main__': ensures only the main thread executes the task creation code. Client() spawns worker threads that executes the code from top. If the guard if is absent, re-execution of the Client creation will crash the program.

Next problem is relevant to contention of thread resources between dask and Napari:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import dask
    import dask.config
    import dask.array as da
    import napari
    from dask.distributed import Client

    TMP_PATH = "path/to/tmp/dir"
    with dask.config.set({'temporary_directory': TMP_PATH}):
        client = Client(threads_per_worker=6, n_workers=1)
        viewer = napari.Viewer(ndisplay=2)
        viewer.add_image(...)  # add a large ome zarr image  # here all threads available will be used to fetch data to show image

Napari utilizes all threads on the current process to load image chunks when we navigation camera across chunks. With typical dask setup, however, threads spawned by the Client() take up all threads except the main thread. If is called on the main thread, then Napari viewer does not get the rest of the threads, and loading speed is slow. The issue is not in adding the image to the viewer, but in the call to where the loading happens. It’s slow regardless if the value of threads_per_worker is 1 or more.

Calling client.close() to release threads before solves the problem:

viewer.add_image(...)  # adding image itself does not take too much time
client.close()  # here resources are freed up  # threads are now available to fetch data to show image

Dask Logging Setup

Distributed logging setup. Python’s logging module is supported by Dask but I’ve had some issues to get it right, so I looked and found Dask provides a simple strategy for debug logging as described in this page. The solution is to use the same logging as usual for the main threads, and use dask.distributed.print to print debugging messages if inside a worker thread. For convenience I also echo the stdout and stderr outputs into separate logfiles so they will persist even if you accidentally close the command window. Below is an example:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import as tlfs
    import numpy as np
    from dask.distributed import print as dprint

    logfile_stdout = open('log_stdout.txt', mode='w')
    logfile_stderr = open('log_stderr.txt', mode='w')
    sys.stdout = tlfs.MultiOutputStream(sys.stdout, logfile_stdout)
    sys.stderr = tlfs.MultiOutputStream(sys.stderr, logfile_stderr)

    import dask
    import dask.config
    import dask.array as da
    from dask.distributed import Client

    TMP_PATH = "path/to/tmp/dir"
    with dask.config.set({'temporary_directory': TMP_PATH}):
        client = Client(threads_per_worker=6, n_workers=1)

        print((da.zeros((3, 3)) + 1).compute().sum().item())  # will output 9

        def map_fn(block, block_info=None):
            dprint(f'map_fn is called with input {block}')
            return block + 1

        arr = da.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.uint8).map_blocks(map_fn, meta=np.array(tuple(), dtype=np.uint8))
        print('result is:', arr.compute())

After running this program, you should see outputs in both the command window and the log_stdout.txt and log_stderr.txt files under your working directory.

cache directory

Different from Dask’s temporary directory, provides intermediate result caching APIs. A multi-step segmentation pipeline may produce many intermediate results, for some of them we may discard once computed, and for the others (like the final output) we may want to cache them on the disk for access later without having to redo the computation. In order to cache the result, we need a fixed path that do not change across program executions. The and and ones used to commit and check if the result exist or needs to be computed from scratch.

In a program, we may cache hierarchically, where there is a root cache directory that is created or loaded when the program starts to run, and every cache directory contains subdirectories and step-specific caches.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import as tlfs

    # Use case #1. Create a data directory for caching computation results
    cache_path = f'{TMP_PATH}/CacheDirectory/some_cache_path'
    is_commit = tlfs.cdir_init(cache_path).commit
    if not is_commit:
        pass  # PUT CODE HERE: Now write your data into cache_path.url and load it back later

    # Use case #2. Create a sub-directory and pass it to other processes for caching
    def multi_step_computation(cache_at: str):
        cache_path1 = f'{cache_path}/A'
        is_commit1 = tlfs.cdir_init(cache_path1).commit
        if not is_commit1:
            A = computeA()
            save(cache_path1, A)  # note here cache_path1 is a existing directory, not a file
        A = load(cache_path1)

        cache_path2 = f'{cache_path}/B'
        is_commit2 = tlfs.cdir_init(cache_path2).commit
        if not is_commit2:
            B = computeBFromA()
            save(cache_path2, B)  # note here cache_path1 is a existing directory, not a file
        B = load(cache_path2)
        return B

    result = multi_step_computation(cache_at=f'{cache_path}/multi_step_cache')

After running the above code once, caching files will be created. The second time the code is run, the computation steps will be skipped. This sort of hierarchical caching is convenient for working with complex processes that can be hierarchically broken down to smaller and simpler compute steps.

A Quicker Setup

You can use the following code to get a quick start locally. This is currently pretty bare-boned, but should allow you to run any dask-computation defined in the cvpl_tools library and your custom SegProcess functions. The code automatically creates two log files in your current directory, containing the program’s stdout and stderr, since those capture Dask’s distributed print function’s text output.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import as qsetup
    import napari

    TMP_PATH = "C:/ProgrammingTools/ComputerVision/RobartsResearch/data/lightsheet/tmp"
    plc = qsetup.PLComponents(TMP_PATH,
                              get_client=lambda: Client(threads_per_worker=12, n_workers=1))
    viewer = napari.Viewer(ndisplay=2)

If anyone would like more features with this setup, please let me know.